EPA List N:Products approved for cleaning of viral pathogens and SARS-CoV 2 virus

Below is a link to a list chemicals approved by the EPA for cleaning and the viruses that they are associated with stopping, this list does include the Human Coronavirus. The list is broken into 7 major categories that display the primary active ingredients of each product, the product and company name, the viruses they are known to kill, the contact time required to kill, the formulation type, and a column stating whether or not it does or does not stop emerging viral pathogens.

List N EPA: List-N-Products-with-Emerging-Viral-Pathogens-AND-Human-Coronavirus-claims-for-use-against-SARS-CoV-2Date-Accessed-03262020-5e7e493ea9774

For any questions or inquiries regarding the list please go to the link below:

FAQ link-  https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/frequently-asked-questions-about-list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2